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John2 05-06-2006 11:24 AM

Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail ?
Hello buddies,
Which email servive do you use and why ?

I use all the three. I use hotmail email basicly just for MSN messenger. I use Yahoo and Gmail emails for messages. Mostly I use Gmail for business related contacts while I use Yahoo for my friends related communication.

What about you ?

John Wright.

cantstraferight 05-06-2006 11:47 AM

Just now im using my isps email address (tiscali)

Before that i used my domains email but it just expired and ive not had a chance to reregister.

Im going to be going back to gmail soon but ive just not got round to setting up a new acount.

Eminem 05-06-2006 12:46 PM

Good question.

I use as it's a good mailing system and has a user friendly interface. It's pretty professional and is very easy to use. As I use my MSN ID for chatting purposes too, it helps me when people need to contact me via email. I do use Yahoo!; however, I use it as an email address when filling surveys. :lol:

etali 05-13-2006 09:01 PM

I have a hotmail account that I just let fill up with spam. I had yahoo and gmail accounts but I can't stand either of their interfaces.

I usually just use the webmail that comes with my domain name - faster, cleaner interface, and much more mobile friendly.

fab 05-25-2006 09:15 PM

I set up my domain to forward mails to gmail, yahoo and hotmail. So I use them all! :D

But I usually use gmail web interface because I like the conversation view, I found it very convenient indeed. Hotmail always catches spam, no good. :evil:

liz 07-17-2006 05:09 AM

i use all 3 also, but Gmail is by far the best, its a lot faster and easier to use, and i like how its much more customisable.
the yahoo and hotmail spam filter doesnt seem to work too good either ;\

..::Apathy::.. 07-17-2006 05:19 AM

I mainly use the one that my ISP provides, either that or Gmail.

FaTTzZO 07-17-2006 09:37 AM

i use hotmail for messenger, yahoo for forums :P and gmail for messages.

in other words i use Gmail :D it is the best, since they use Ajax as the main web develop language, thats why it is faster.
the spam killer is not that good, but it is better than hotmail and yahoo.
you have 2745 MB for storage.
mobile interface is faster and friendly.
and the best... it doesnt have all that advertising, its annoying :S

Helan 03-12-2007 07:13 AM

I use Yahoo and gmail. But while saving the files and forwarding the attachement i prefer yahoo, since gmail doesnot support exe file.

Colorado 07-09-2008 03:41 AM

I have used both Gmail & Yahoo for years and i still give more preference to Yahoo! Its just that the messenger 9 interface of Yahoo is so deadly that i just love it. (Dont have Hotmail ID.)

Talking about spam, for me, i am not so much affected and that both are doing a great job.

I will say both are equally good, but then when it comes to looks and interface, 1 point more to Yahoo!

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