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Cobalt 05-25-2006 11:29 AM

What is your Operating System of choice?
I'm still stuck in the dark ages and run Windows 2000 Pro/Redhat 9 religiously on all my work machines, though have to put up with XP Professional at home.

I know it's outdated and I should really upgrade, but I've never really got on with XP and am yet to ever have a serious problem with the platforms I use, so is there any need to yet?

What do the next versions of Windows have in store? Is it worth upgrading to take advantage of 64 Bit software?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

fab 05-25-2006 09:18 PM

I'm using XP Home SP2 on my PC. It works fine, so far so good. I have tried Linux but it's just for fun. Vista - next version of Windows, I would touch it. Let wait for the release of SP, thought it might be buggy.

John2 05-31-2006 06:23 AM

I am using Window XP Service Pack2, there is no other solution for me. I also dont know how to operate Linux systems thats why I have sticked with XP.

WhiteDaisy128 06-09-2006 10:54 AM

I dual boot my laptop - windows XP & Linus (Ubuntu). I have run Mandrake, Red Hat, and Fedora Core...trying Ubuntu out for a change.

highflyerlaura 06-11-2006 08:42 AM

I use WinXP Pro SP2 and I've never had a problem with it. I also use Macs and Linux-PCs on a regular basis. The hype from all sides of that arguement is just crazy. Left unmaintained, any machine will crash or have problems, ditto if you have a person who's new to computers using them.

Windows just gets more problems because it has the higher profile.

John2 06-13-2006 03:28 AM

I am using Windows XP SP2 on my home PC. It works fine and I think it is the best choice, however, I prefer Linux Based Operating Systems on servers ( hosting sites ).

FaTTzZO 07-17-2006 09:13 AM

Mac OSX and Linux Gentoo

gowriikav 07-24-2009 12:18 AM

hi, now i am using windows vista, windows XP is also a good choice

hankjmatt 07-24-2009 12:20 AM

XP Home SP2

Phayze 08-16-2009 12:38 PM

I dual boot my PC with XP Pro SP 2 and Ubuntu Linux. Linux is pretty cool, but I use it for more recreational stuff, while XP is for more school-related stuff. XP gets a lot more use from me, though.

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