"O yes perhaps you find this interesting, there is a lot of debate going on on the web about whether or not to post articles in those article directories. I have a site [url deleted to preserve my client's confidentiality] on which I did nothing about link development. I just posted and posted and posted... and posted....... Then traffic from MSN started to show up, pr went to 4 no Google traffic. Stopped posting articles last december, and since beginning March I have a huge amount of Google traffic as well. The funny thing is that all inbound links are from "syndicated" content, and since the daily ( weekly??) increase in the number of inbound links dropped Google placed me in the SERPS. Google is now sending me about 1000 uniques a day.
Funny.... I thought you might find this interesting because of the debate going on... And another thing is that all the articles I posted are in fact to be considered duplicate content because most of them are on the site as well."
I find that very interesting. What're your thoughts and opinions?