HTML Tutorial
This tutorial will teach you HTML, which will also help you to make custom pages for websites. HTML is very easy to learn!
HTML Stands For
HyperText Markup Language
Okay, we will start with the basics...
In HTML there are two types of tags...
- Opening Tag
- Closing Tag May not be needed for every type of "Tag"
The words inside the tags are not case-sensitive...Example:
<HtMl> & <html> are the same thing!
Okay, now we will start with the basic tags i.e
Let's start with
The tag to make a text Bold is:
This text will be bolded
The OutCome of the above will be:
This text will be bolded
Remember to add a closing tag which is represented by [/b]... without adding that
closing tag, the outcome won't be perfect!
Next comes
The tag to make a text Italic is:
The OutCome of the above will be:
Again, don't forget to add the closing tag!
Now Comes
The tag to make a text Underlined is:
The OutCome of the above will be:
Another one which people don't use much is a "Strike Out"...
This time the tag is:
<strike>You're Out!</strike>
The OutCome of the above tag will be:
You're Out!
You can use several tags at the same time...
If I want a text bold + Italic...I will use
This text will be Bold + Italic
The OutCome of the above tag will be:
This text will be Bold + Italic
It doesn't make a difference if you switch the starting tags position...
If you use
[i][b] Instead of [b][i] as your "Starting Tag"
The above tags were basic "Text" Tags...
Okay, let's go on to the next step...If we want to align our text..
We will use:
<center>This text will be centered</center>
The OutCome of the above tag will be:
This text will be centered
So now you know how to make basic text effects and how to align texts...
In the next tutorial, I will teach you:
- Paragraphs
- Line Breaks
- Headings
- Basic Page Format!
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you want to test yourself out...Visit
This Page.